Case Studies

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Long-Term Care Facility


This facility was severely understaffed and reliant on the existing workforce to work overtime to fill gaps. The staff morale was declining, and staff pickups began decreasing. Family members were consistently complaining due to inadequate staffing ratios.  

Our Solution 

QSN set up a complimentary consult to learn more about the facility’s staffing needs and objectives to identify the most pressing issues. After the assessment, a customized proposal was sent based on feedback from the scheduling team. We were able to share insight and ideas about how to immediately turn things around. The facility signed an agreement.  


The facility became stable. Staff morale increased. Family members began to notice, and complaints decreased. The agreement was extended to four sister facilities in a 12-month period.  


“We are now stable with your staff. Thank you.” 

– Staffing Coordinator 

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